Friday, July 6, 2012

 Hi guys,, my another blog.....i am a person , who loves literature...i love writing poetry,some literature this piece of a poem goes for all those lover;s whose ,wait is never ending fr their better part,,from my heart

A shining sun
some clouds having fun;
chirping birds planning to run;
the playing air touches my hair
and tells me the story of
A princess and a heir....

A beautiful morning,recalling the spring 
and leaves yellowing;
showing the love of a beautiful couple
the princess and the heir;
lost in each other;
struck by a  cupid....

"Come to the ball dance
and ask for my hand"
the princess shy,s away;
with the  promise  in her heart
the night comes.....

The roses bloom,shines the moon;
the princess in her room standing;
golden hairs with a sheet of  snow gems;
wearing a beautiful dress ;
the princess waits for the heir.....

The destiny play,s the game;
lost in woods,is the heir;
night gets young;
princess,lamented walks all over ;
but the heir recovered no-where;

Lot;s to think;
lot,s to manipulate;
but no answer to her wait;
such is the story
I was wondering about;
When,came over the cold breeze,
and struck me at a point to think;
to manipulate;
leaving me with a question