Monday, June 13, 2011

men are from mars , women are from venus.....

Men primarily need a kind of love  that is trusting, accepting and appreciative............

Women primarily need a kind of love  that is caring, understanding and respectful....
Both are diffrent from each other,, they can;t live with each other but can;t live without each other.....they r poles apart but they complement each other ...
for venusian;s every gift of love is of great importance...regardless of size,, little expression of  love work wonders......
When men and women are able  to respect and  accept their differences  then love has a chance to blossom..

A women under sterss  is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief  by expressing herself  and being understood......venusians need to talk to feel better.....

men are motivated and empowered  when they feel needed and women are motivated and empowered when they feel cherished......thus they will alwz be poles aprt but vl alwzz be needing each other....

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