Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today I feel like sharing an interesting story. A story about a girl, whose name was Veronica. Unlike her name she was kind, beautiful like the blooming flower, her eyes, big and beautiful, her lavishing smile was  enough to attract a man’s attention .The sweet words she spoke gave pleasure to everyone’s ears. An angel in true sense, she loved life, everyday was like sunshine. Veronica loved a handsome man, Jake, radiant like a pure diamond. People always gazed at them and said “they are made for each other”, Due to Veronica’s nature of helping everyone, Jake loved her more every day.

                                                                                                               Once upon a time, Jake happened to leave the city for some work. Veronica bided him goodbye with a promise to return soon. Time was racing against the winds; seasons came and went .Veronica’s wait seemed never ending. One day a man came in the town, shrugged clothes, in not a happening condition, he claimed to be a businessman who lost all his belongings in a storm. Veronica gave him shelter to stay for some time. The man was already charmed by Veronica’s beauty. After a week stay, the man asked Veronica to marry him. Veronica was shattered as the dreams she shared with Jake, dreamt, imagined with Jake were now asked to be shared with a stranger whom she knew only for a week. But after a lot of thought process and her deteroiting financially condition, she decided to marry the man.
After marriage Veronica tried to keep herself as busy as she can, serving the poor, helping the people financially, making donations. But in return no one knew what she was paying. She cried every night, remembering Jake, their good times spent. The man abused her physically every night, with times increasing he abused her emotionally too. Veronica cursed her life, cursed every moment, she asked god “why I met Jake when he has to go?, why I married such an animal? Till how long I have to suffer?”. It was getting difficult for her day by day to face the very man she married, her only hope of finding love turned into a horror dream, which was never ending. It got worse when the man got his friends home after drinking and they all misbehaved with Veronica. The outside world   was unknown of what she was going through .Veronica was in great depression , her only way of relaxing herself by helping others, but now the man stopped giving money to her. It was getting tougher day by day. She wanted someone to come and rescue her of this cage. She was abused regularly.
                Five years later, Jake returned…..

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