Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do you love me dude 3

Siya ran away , the music was still  playing in the background.
everyone was still, Rohan ran after her.
it was raining outside .
Rohan holded her arm and asked"what is wrong Siya, I am sorry dear if I embarrassed you but I wanted to make you feel special, show you how much I love you...if I hurted you I  m sry".
"It's not that Rohan , no one has made me feel so special in life, but i can't love you"
and Siya ran away....
Rohan's heart was broken , he really loved Siya.
all night he was remembering Siya's face that was gleaming in that focus light.He wished if he got his love.
Next day came ,
Siya came to college, but her eyes were loooking for Rohan , he was nowhere.
the day ended, but she was missing his very presence , that intense look from him.
Days passed.
One day Rohan came to college, that day Riya was unusually happy, her friends said
"what has happened to you today , since so many days , u were not even talking properly , today you are laughing and talking"
Siya was sitiing on the third row seat , and Rohan in fourth row.
Siya could sense his  intense look towards her, when she looked back slowly and passed a smile.
Ram was on the top of the world.he was thanking god for getting that smile, for her look.
It was the happiest day of his life.
He was waiting for her near the college gate , when she will arrive, Siya was with her friends, but that smile was sufficient for Ram , she again gave a sweet look to him and went towards the bus she used to go in.

Now Ram used to come to college everyday , he used to wait for her, to pass near the college gate ,when one day....
"hey" Siya said
Rohan  went to her.he was not able to utter a word.
"listen Rohan ,I am not allowed to talk to guys, I belong to  a very conservative family"
"I am allowed to talk to every girl as if",
"This is not a joke Rohan, listen to me"
"Do you love me"Rohan asked her,
Siya was surprised by such straight forwardness of Rohan,
"what kind of question is this , i have already told you"
 "do you love me?"Rohan asked again
"you don;t understand Rohan , if my family  knows , they will not leave you, they can even harm you"
"Siya , I asked you something? this is not my answer".
Siya was getting late for the bus "I will tell you tomorrow, i have to go now.."

"wait Siya ,tell me now plz,otherwise if you don;t love me , what i vl do coming to college tomorrow"
"what is this , is this the way to ask such important thing "Siya said in a low voice
"tell me siya"
The bus was giving horn , and they were saying to leave without her...
"Siya , come fast "her friends were screaming
Rohan was looking deep into Siya's eyes, no matter what others were saying.
 "ohk , I love you"Siya ran away
finally , Rohan thanked god and gave a thumbs up. Rohan was jumping and day dreaming , when siya looked at him and smiled....

Finally Siya said yes to Rohan , but is this story so simple as it seems .....will they be successful in love?
the best is yet to come....<3<3<3


  1. u did introduced the other two characters Ram and Riya of line 12.. :)
    well rest is watz called a gud narration
