Sunday, October 27, 2013


Dear Readers, I hope you are doing fine and enjoying the beautiful circle of life ....

Today a carefree feeling came over me .A feeling that makes me feel I'm special and yes, have all the rights to be loved.
Falling in love is always magical .It feels eternal.
The hottest topic of all times is relationship ,People often go to the Therapists, Relationship Counsellor to make their relationship work, even though they have all the answers as no one knows there partner better than them  .My girlfriends and I , whenever we catch up we talk a lot on relationships , that some day I wonder I can write thesis on it . ehhh!!!!!!
I have seen  many people madly in love , seen some who do not believe in love , some who are still searching and some who portray that they have best relationships but inside they are still looking for the very answer how to make it work? . 
So I have decided, to share my views , my thoughts with you guys as a lot is going inside me which I wish to share with you , Let's see how far it goes.I'll be be writing down my views on what I strongly feel about the most beautiful element in this world called Love that results into strong relationships , beautiful gift from god to two people who decide to be together  and love each other....

It's been crazy since a lot of time and now by god's grace I'm clear about what I feel and what I want .The road is never ending. I wish everybody gets a person in life whom you can call at 2 a.m  in the morning and say "I'm not feeling sleepy , let's talk" and he /she is always ready to be with you , no matter what .. and this friendship on fire turns into eternal love. 

Time to wrap up Readers , will keep writing .A  busy week ahead ..enjoy your weekend. . Love you all!

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