Saturday, December 10, 2016

A secret to everything!!!

When I was a kid, I had this habit of asking my mom to say these words: “The day is going to be great”. At that time this belief held so much power that still till date I ask her to repeat these words when it’s a big day for me or I’m going through a rough patch such as bad marks in semesters, heart break, fight with a friend, when I’m sick and many more. I can say all of this in full breath , trust me , readers!!!

It’s so much important to be assured of positive things in life, I mean being positive. With demonetization, Trump’s surprise win, increasing inflation everything seems to be haunting us, that what next is left to happen. The time from when I wake up to the time I sleep, I’m fed with many pessimistic thoughts, but I choose to be positive , believe in me and that keeps me rocking and happy!
So do you think , we shall really wait for something good to happen to us or shall we make a promise to ourselves to be happy and smiling and surround ourselves with positive people.
Friends are the best way to start with. It’s like they are a blessing to make you feel special and pampered. No matter what you do, cry over silly things and speak your heart out, they are always by your side.
One important thing that I have learned so far is , its always unworthy to cry over things you can’t control and the irony is they affect you the most. It’s like you know there is going to be another moment soon and shall have no control over passing moment, but you still waste it crying over petty things.

Being happy is a bliss!!! So readers give yourself a gift: positivity and trust me there will be wonders in your life.
Till then take care and the next part of “Yes you became the one” is soon to come!!
Love you all!

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