Wednesday, July 8, 2015

women empowerment!!!! what a joke!

some days earlier i realized,I was reading the newspaper and discovered a main point that to get justice always a women has to raise her voice to the highest,with no support .  Our country is lacking a lot in terms of  providing that financial ,emotional security to women .We often look at the bigger buildings but we forget those big buildings are made from/by those small rooms or buildings.A women in her life time has to go through every harsh test of life,the day she is born she is not welcomed by her family members instead she is considered a big responsibility .
Our constitution of India  grants equality to women but is it true?.At workplace,at home,in society every minute ,a woman has to face some or the other problem like harsh behavior eve teasing,dominance of men over women,early marriage,female foeticide,rape,sexual harassment 
Be it work and employment,politics,administrative,public sector jobs,the ratio of women to men to totally unbalanced.
the sex preference of boy to girl child is at highest rate in Uttar Pradesh in the recent survey conducted... 

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