Saturday, October 2, 2021

Heart no more!

 It's been long since I penned down anything....

But today, its important to write not for anyone else but me.

Lost so many things in this duration of 5 years that I no more identify myself as the same person I used to be.

Perspective toward things and life changed like a new season. But I don't know this season of life.

I am scared to take another step,

I am alien to how to start living my life,

It's like I am reborn again looking at the world with a new lens.

what was supposed to be a period of clarity is the most confusing time of my life.

It won't be contradicting to say that I understand the deeper meaning of things and has understood the importance of small things that I often ignored.

But I feel, at what cost.

Loosing my mother to Covid has taken away everything from me.

I no more feel sense in pursuits of life that made meaning to me a year back.

I am looking for that safe haven again. 

Not hopeful but waiting for time to show what new it has stored for me.

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