Sunday, September 23, 2012


Martha’s words were echoing high in Jake’s ears. He was in utter shock. Summing up his senses together, he decides to meet Veronica.
But Veronica was now a changed person ‘ heartless’ as she seemed, she did not gave the opportunity to anyone to get close to her, know her deep thoughts.
One day, like any other depressing day for Veronica, she was invited for an award function, where she was being presented with an award for a major contribution to the society. It was a buzz among the socialites as Veronica was about to give the public appearance after a long time.

The day came. Veronica, beautiful and charming always, dressed in a black gown like a princess came to attend the event.
As the whole society was present in the event including press people, Jake came to attend the event (to meet Veronica).
“I would request Mrs. Veronica, to please come up on the stage” said the presenter. All the eyes were set on Veronica, including Jake; he couldn’t help but gaze at her. Her sweet voice, flattering eyes attracted Jake towards her. Jake was lost in the moment. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. “You are as beautiful as you were the very first day I met u, like a fresh rose” thought Jake.

Jake always cared about Veronica’s reputation, so as she does not have to face any bad situation. Jake went to the parking where Veronica’s car was parked as it was inappropriate to meet in public. Veronica being no more a social party person came early from the event. “Driver, take the car home” Veronica asked the driver.
The driver took her on the way to home, but he soon took a different road. Veronica shouted at the driver “what the hell is this?”  But the driver kept on driving. He stopped the car at the hill top. Veronica in a steady manner came out of the car and said “I will dismiss you from the job, how dare u didn’t listen to me”.
The driver came out of the car and IT WAS THE MOMENT.

Jake has asked the driver to leave early, as  according to Jake,mam has said “she will drive herself today”. Veronica was shocked, she couldn’t believe her eyes “Where were you, why you didn’t come, you left me all alone” said Veronica in an anguish way, crying. She hugged him tight “why have you now come?” Veronica asked. Jake wanted to hug Veronica. But Veronica asked him to leave.
Jake said “ I am sorry my love, the day when I left ,I became a victim of
 a foul play , I too didn’t knew fate would play such a game , the cops arrested me for carrying illegal commodities, my subordinate loaded the truck , I don’t know how I got framed for what I didn’t do and got a prison for 5 years. I am sorry my love, god knows I have remembered u each passing minute”. "But now it’s of no use I am married now and happy in my life” said Veronica. Veronica knew if she tried to run away with Jake, her husband would kill him. She couldn’t help but run away at the very moment.
Jake was left all alone.
At reaching home, her husband said “I know what you are up to”. Veronica was in shock and thought “How did he come to know?”. “What took you so late”. Veronica answered in a shivering sound “I was surrounded by some press people”. Veronica came back to her depressing world. All night she kept thinking about Jake .She couldn’t resist but meet Jake again. She went to his house. Jake was surprised and with no words to say, he hugged her tight and kissed on her forehead.”I love u Veronica”. Though Veronica knew now she had no future with Jake but the sudden extreme happiness made her forget everything. Now she would come every day after her husband left and spent the time.
Veronica knew the end and she was somewhere ready for it. She left a note for Jake saying “Dear Jake, I have loved you with all my heart. But now it’s not possible for me to meet you again as I know the consequences of it. Please forget me and move on “. Jake felt helpless but he couldn’t help it as there was no way to meet Veronica until she wanted herself.
 After some days Veronica came to know she was pregnant with Jake’s child. She had no way but to hide it.
Veronica requested her husband to let her go to her home for few days till he comes back from his foreign trip. It did not matter to the man, what Veronica wished or needed, he gave her the permission to go.

With a feeling of freedom, without telling anybody, Veronica left for her grandma’s house(out of the country), of which no one knew except Jake. But there was no probability of him coming there. Veronica spent all her days at home, with increasing times she could feel the baby within herself. It was magical. Grandma would take care of her. Veronica felt she has got something in life she could live for.

Whereas at her husband’s side, he looked for her everywhere possible, he somehow came to know about Jake and Veronica’s meet from the local’s .He abused Jake and asked him for her, but Jake had nothing to say. The man was going crazy as he had no clue where she had gone. He was worried not because he cared, but he wanted someone, in his life to take out his frustration on, which he did every night by molesting her.

Veronica was never so happy after marriage; she did everything to please herself, decorated the baby’s room, the house and sang songs. It was the day, Veronica delivered the baby, and it was a girl, a beautiful angel like her mother, red cheeks, soft curled hands, long eyebrows, so beautiful that even Veronica was scared to touch her.
She kissed her on her forehead and said “you are my angel, I will love you all my life, and no sorrow will be able to touch you my baby… name will be Angela”. As soon as she said those words, she started sinking. The nurse took the baby back, hurried and gave her medical treatment. Earlier it was told to Veronica, that her body did not support pregnancy (due to continuous ill treatment by her husband) , but she wanted to give birth .
It was the last time for Veronica, she knew now she would no longer live , she expressed her wish to go back to her hometown , to her old house cared by Martha , but doctors did advised her not to travel , as she had no strength and she was suffering from internal bleeding continuously. But she insisted and left Angela with her grandma and a note. She asked her to open the note when the news of her death arrives.
She left angela, kissing her on her cheeks and hugging her saying " Your mom loved you always, may god bless you…”.Veronica reached the home town at her old house , she saw all her old memories , remembered her parents and made her last wish to meet Jake. Jake was informed secretly about Veronica’s arrival to the city and her last wish , He went to meet her. Seeing Veronica in such a condition, he wanted to take all her pains but it was too late now. “What happened to you my love, what is the reason of your such situation?”Jake asked. Veronica said “It is god’s most valuable gift to me, I feel happy to tell you that you have become a father, she is as  beautiful as you, your eyes, she is all you”. Jake was mesmerized by the truth , he smiled it seemed it was a silver lining . He holded her hand and kissed her.”Our baby is at my grandma’s house, I named her Angela "said Veronica. “Please promise me, you will love her always”.
Jake promised her saying “life is nothing without you Veronica”.
Veronica in her breaking breath said “I am leaving a precious part of mine for you my love , I will always be there with you”. And Veronica died ………..

After all the cremation ceremony, Jake left for grandma’s house. When he reached the house he addressed himself as Jake and informed her about the death of Veronica. She read the note which said “I love you grandma, you have always been there, may god bless you grandma. Jake is the father of Angela .he is the love of my life. Please give Angela to Jake”.
As soon as Jake saw Angela, he saw a slight resemblance of Veronica, She smiled at him, he held her high in her arms and kissed her on her cheeks…..
