Sunday, December 28, 2014

A practical approach to Love!

To love someone passionately and give them everything you have is not every one's  cu p of tea .Anyone can promise "I will love you more than anything else "but to give that it takes a lot of courage, a lot of patience , a lot of trust on your own self  that no matter what you will give them so much love that things can never wrong.
I know readers you must be thinking , why is it that we have to do everything and not expect from the other person.I have answer for this , a very simple answer , in a relationship , we have to give our best half and the other person gives the other half .But what about our relationship with ourselves .We have to give our best to ourselves.
Give so much love to someone, that no matter what you will always rule their such an idle for yourself that nothing can bend you cause at some point you will always know you gave your best .
Men and women have always been different , expecting from your partner that they will always behave in the same way  you do , is always senseless . 

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