Sunday, December 28, 2014

Changing Times!

Hey readers,
        Today I'm  feeling like sharing some thoughts that have surrounded my old school thoughts and have been forcing me to change my own thinking .Thinking of those old notions that love is a fairy tale and once you are in love everything is perfect, sky is glittering and music is always playing in the background.(That's coz I'm no more 16!)
                   Being in love doesn't mean just saying those three words "I LOVE YOU" or kissing or hugging each other , going out for movies ,hanging out .It's much more than that .I have seen couples trying to pose being perfect by calling out different names like "baby, jaan, shona" and I' not ashamed to say I said the same words to my loved one.But what makes me thinking is this really called Love.

Love is being with each other , for each other in times lows and high .Being the complete partner  with no fear to share anything .Having such an understanding that yes whatever happens you would never misunderstand  your loved one or leave them alone when they need you.
Lately I have been hating the idea of Love.Expecting  someone to understand you, give you that importance in life and craving for their attention when you know that you stand nowhere coz feelings fade with time.
It's so different and disappointing.You make someone the center of your life and you are not even a dot in their life.Never ever make someone the reason of your happiness cause it only depends on you- your happiness and sorrows.

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