Saturday, February 7, 2015

Need For Skill Developement

 Hey Readers, 
                       I have seen many institutes opened up mostly engineering institutions which offer lucrative offers to those who enroll themselves in the college with placement offers in the companies like HCL,Wipro , TCS,  Infosys. And at the end of four years,what the students discover is that they are not skilled enough to even clear the basic exams which which these companies conduct .I feel very saddened by this situation .A parent who invests upto 5 lacs in the  engineering study with a hope that their kid would stand up one day and hold a degree of an engineer get what at the end ,a piece of paper which is also not enough for him/her to get a job.

The only thing that shouldn't be done is "Talking".I feel we should help our budding engineers to develop skills that will help them to gain a good job .In the very beginning ,a child should be groomed well and should be taught not to follow a goat walk.
They should be helped with the aid of counselors to identify their area of interests .If  Sachin Tendulkar was asked  to study engineering , we would have 
lost the best player of the century .I,as a student knew my best interests to pursue journalism and literary studies for my college level, However due to
peer pressure I had to go for engineering.Although I thank my parents for believing in me to be an engineer but if I pursued my interests , I would have 
been able to contribute in a better way for the development of society.
There is a big difference between "Have" and "Could have".Only one word creates all distinction.We need to develop and broaden our horizons and move forward to follow our inner voice , our interests and make it our profession cause" WHEN WE DO SOMETHING WE LOVE , A MAGIC IS INSTILLED AND CREATED".
I would like to request all those people who are planning their future , to stop for a second , think and follow their dreams.
We need to develop skills to take India to that level to compete and stand besides the superpower of the world .

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